


About the Perth Group

Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos [1]
Valendar F. Turner [2]
John M. Papadimitriou [3]
David Causer (Senior Physicist) [1]
Helman Alphonso [4]

1) Medical Physics Dept, Royal Perth Hospital, University of Western Australia (RPH-UWA).
2) Emergency Medicine Dept, RPH-UWA;
3) Pathology Dept, UWA;
4) Head, Research Dept, Universidad Metropolitana Barranquilla, Colombia

Phone: 6-189-224-2500 voice / 1138 fax
Postal: Royal Perth Hospital, Wellington Street, Perth 6001, Western Australia.
Web: www.virusmyth.com/aids/perthgroup; Email: vturner@cyllene.uwa.edu.au

THE PERTH GROUP of HIV/AIDS dissidents formed in 1981 at Australia's Royal Perth Hospital, the teaching hospital for the University of Western Australia. The thee original members include its leader, biophysicist Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos, emergency physician Valendar (Val) Turner, and pathology professor John Papadimitriou. Over the years several others have joined, including UWA physicists Bruce Hedland-Thomas and Barry Page, Miami, Florida biochemist Todd Miller, Colombian physician/medical researcher Helman Alphonso, and senior UWA clinical physicist David Causer. The Perth Group has published several scientific papers and letters in academic journals, as well as several which journal editors refuse to publish. You can find their papers on the web at:

The Perth Group argues that:

1. Researchers have failed to prove that what they call "HIV" represents a unique, exogenously acquired retrovirus.

2. Researchers have failed to prove that what they call HIV antibody and viral load tests indicate infection with any virus.

3. Researchers have failed to prove that what they call HIV causes immune deficiency (destruction of T4 lymphocytes) or other AIDS conditions.

4. What researchers call HIV cannot transmit to hemophiliacs via Factor VIII infusions.

5. Researchers have failed to prove that any purported HIV genome (RNA or DNA) originates in a unique exogenously acquired infectious retrovirus.

6. Researchers have failed to prove that what they call HIV or AIDS are infectious by any means, including whole blood or blood-product transfusion, or sexual intercourse.

7. AIDS and the phenomena called "HIV" result from cellular oxidation caused by various factors, including several that collectively characterize the AIDS risk groups, and others which researchers subject to laboratory cells in achieving what they call HIV "cultures" and "isolations."

8. AIDS will not spread outside the original risk groups and

9. AIDS patient clinical outcome will improve with cessation of exposure to oxidizing factors and/or use of anti-oxidants.

10. Pharmacological data prove that AZT cannot stop what researchers call HIV activity and that AZT is toxic to all cells and may cause AIDS.

The following website includes a debate over HIV isolation/existence between the the Perth group and Robin Weiss, a scientist who helped develop the HIV explanation of AIDS: www.virusmyth.com/aids/perthgroup/papers2.html


